

Nail Art Enthusiast - Creator of Nail Design Studio in Miami, FL.

Mel has always had an eye for design and a bug for creating just about anything.
"All I know is, when I'm able to be creative at any time, I'm the happiest."

Her favorite activities as a child were anything that had to do with crafts and creating. Anything from legos, to making jewelry, to drawing, and painting. "I believe creativity is a muscle and I love exercising it. I notice when I don't use that muscle, I'm incredibly off balance."

Mel has always been interested in beauty not only because its a creative field but also because it is rewarding. "I could always remember having my friends over, giving them makeovers, cutting their hair, giving highlights, experimenting with makeup, fashion, and nail polish. The best part of that was doing a good job and seeing the smiles on my friends faces with the results."

Never having any real professional training, Nail Art and Nail Designing started simply as a hobby that became a passion. "If I could paint my nails a new color and do a completely new design every day, I would. It's almost like I have nail polish ADD." Her close friends know that if there is a beauty product out there, chances are she's read about it, heard about it, or probably owns it. "My friends always seem to ask me for advice on makeup and always joke that I basically have every beauty product out there"

She doesn't know where this blog will take her but she really wants to be able to provide a resource for people out there like her, that love to read, research, and watch videos on nail art and beauty.
"Some of us are more inclined to art and creativity than others but the best artists inspire those who want to be better at their craft."


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